Friday, August 12, 2011

Advent of a new season!

It's been quite some time since I did post here. Sadly, I couldn't live up to the promise I made to myself that I would be a regular at this. However, I have just been getting killed at work, so won't be too harsh on myself.

Well, now to the topic of this post. The new EPL season starts today. The last one imploded for Arsenal with the Carling Cup loss. And this one doesn't seem promising either. Haven't been able to buy anyone worthwhile apart from Gervinho. Fabregas & Nasri moving away will be more of a positive than anything else. They have just been a plain distraction for the past 6 months. The lack of star players may just help others step up.

Despite the possible lack of threat from Arsenal, Premier League is going to be interesting this season. Lots of new players, exciting comebacks, and the hope that Arsenal may yet spring a surprise!

Amongst other things, I have been in Melbourne for the past two months now. I wish I had blogged about how I felt initially about my first visit outside India. It all seems a little drab and boring now. I think I will buy a new lens to look at things differently out here! Clicked some awesome photos and learnt the trick to do HDR photography. Very satisfying. :)